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commands reference

this document serves as a reference for all commands available in git-acm, including their syntax, parameters, expected outputs, and examples.

installation commands

using curl preferred

Terminal window
curl -sSL | sh
  • description: downloads and executes the installation script for git-acm.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: installation progress and success message.


using cargo

Terminal window
cargo install git-acm
  • description: installs git-acm using cargo, the rust package manager.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: confirmation of successful installation.

configuration commands

1. set api provider required

Terminal window
git-acm use <api_name>
  • description: sets the ai provider for generating commit messages.
  • parameters:
    • <api_name>: one of the supported providers (gemini, openai, anthropic, llama, deepseek).
  • expected output: confirmation of the selected api provider.

2. enable auto-commit optional

Terminal window
git-acm autocommit enable
  • description: enables the auto-commit feature.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: confirmation that auto-commit is enabled.

3. disable auto-commit

Terminal window
git-acm autocommit disable
  • description: disables the auto-commit feature.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: confirmation that auto-commit is disabled.

usage commands

generate commit message

Terminal window
  • description: generates a commit message using the selected api provider based on the changes in your code.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: a generated commit message.


Terminal window
git-acm help
  • description: displays the help menu for git-acm.
  • parameters: none.
  • expected output: a list of available commands and their descriptions.

error messages and troubleshooting

  • error: invalid api provider

    • message: “error: unsupported api provider. please use one of: gemini, openai, anthropic, llama.”
    • solution: ensure you are using a valid api provider name.
  • error: api key missing

    • message: “error: api key is not set. please configure your api key in the .env file.”
    • solution: check your .env file for the correct api key configuration.

technical specifications

  • supported platforms: linux, macos, windows (via wsl).
  • dependencies: requires git and rust (for cargo installation).